Wednesday, September 20, 2006

National Eat an Apple Day

I saw this announcement in the school library this morning. I felt it incumbent on me to tell all my friends so they don't miss out.
I'm tellin' you, what with Talking Like a Pirate yesterday, and Eating Apples today, there's no time for school!


Nardo said...

I shall try to eat an apple today and think of all the people who are in a state far, far away. (sob) I miss yall sooo much!!! (sob)

Hey! I just realized that I rhymed! Cool!

DrSmyth said...

i agree with the last phrase,

amen sister.

elliebird said...

Is it ok to eat peanut butter with the apple? or is it strictly apple day? with no embellishments, right off the core?

Nardo said...

I think peanut butter would be acceptable with maybe some rasins for decoration.

Nardo said...

ohh. you know what this discusion has me craving?
Grandma's Ants on a Log! Yum!