Thursday, December 28, 2006

Now Stir the Fire ~ Wm. Cowper

~rachel tsunami

One of my favorite things about the holidays is the company that comes and stays, or drops by for a visit, letting us draw them in to the warm embrace of our home, sharing their joy and laughter, reveling in old memories, making new ones...

We just bid goodbye to the Bruces who arrived almost 24 hours ago. (We spent more of those hours fellowshipping than not. Nome Sane?) In a little while, we'll get to hug the necks of Lauren (Bradley)Wallis and Lacey Madden who will drop by to visit awhile, and this evening we'll light a few candles and heat up the tortilla soup to welcome the three Shafer boys from Stephenville, TX: Raz, Kris, and Jacob, and Evan Ritchie who is traveling with them. Word has reached me that they're bringing several of their 'strings' so I expect Robert and Logan will follow suit and we'll have some jammin' goin' on tonight. They'll backtrack a bit to Memphis for the New Year meeting which starts tomorrow.

What delight! Food, fire, music, laughter, singing, (and probably more food...)

Now stir the fire,
and close the shutters fast,
Let fall the curtains,
wheel the sofa round;
And while the bubbling
and loud hissing urn
Throws up a steamy column,
and the cups,
That cheer but not inebriate,
wait on each,
So let us welcome peaceful evening in.

~William Cowper

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