Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"This come's from our many media's"

Van Atkins billboard in Ripley-
You're back to school headquarters!
I am?

On a homeschool blog-
If you realy want to homeschool, their is allways away...
Not if you spell like that!

And I'm sure you have all seen this one-
Only windshields kills more bugs than we do!

On a grocery store in Tupelo-
No credit cards are excepted in this store.
Well, in that case...


addendum by rachel tsunami~

Ellie, you forgot this one, also seen on a billboard in our fair town. And this is exactly how it appears, mind you:
Cash for Your,
Paychecks and titles!
Nothing doing! I'm never parting with my Your.


Owl of the Desert said...

Oh me, oh my.

strem said...

Hilarious. My family is going to get a kick out of reading these, so I'll try to direct them here to your blog. I have been noticing more and more signs like this lately, and I wish I had a camera with me at all times!