Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We Are Americans

"We are Americans, and as Americans we must live or die by liberty, virtue and the call of almighty God upon our lives.
Should we betray any of these causes, then lay at our feet the shame of the world and let the nations mock us.
We must be the beacon light, for we were sent on an errand into the wilderness, and therefore are called to be a light to the world."
- Samuel Adams

From the first speech made in the first meeting of the First Continental Congress.



Lynn Bruce said...


you always were a sneaky sort of lad.

rachel tsunami said...

"...liberty, virtue and the call of almighty God upon our lives.
Should we betray any of these causes, then lay at our feet the shame of the world and let the nations mock us."

Oh my word. That is exactly what has happened. Extremely sobering.

Cimmanim said...

Logan, that just doen't seem FAIR....

LaceyP said...

I love how you barely squeezed it in there!

LaceyP said...

good quote, by the way...