Thursday, December 06, 2007

In which I fly

I am going to fly for the very first time on Tuesday. Or, rather, on Tuesday I am going to fly for the very first time. I look forward to this experience with no trepidation. Some I have talked to have described flying as something that one should look at as a Pekingese dog would look at a vet when going to have its monthly shot. But I am very excited about trying my wings and am looking forward to a rough take-off. I like excitement of that kind, you see.
However, never having done anything like this before, I was hoping that you could give me some advice about what to take/do on the trip over. I think it will be only an hour flight, nevertheless, I want to have all the experiences of flying that I can in that flight. Oh! And I will have the flight back in which to revel. Yay! I'll be going with Dan, so he can show me what to do, but I'd still like some input from our loving blog followers...if we have any left, that is. :-)

Note: This post is dedicated, with fondest love, to Rebekah.


Lynn Bruce said...

be sure to wear shoes you can kick off and be sure to go to the bathroom in flight (you really shouldn't miss that part of the whole experience) and be sure to look at the earth when it turns to patchwork and be sure to notice the clouds and be sure to ask for something odd to drink, like half grapefruit juice half sprite.

i never did that, but i think i'd like you to try it.

we are SO excited you're coming!!!

Rebekah Sacran said...

Oh flying is a lot of fun. Especially when you hit turbulence. All that shaking around. Scarry in a good way. I don't thing you will need to bring much. By the time you get so far in the air that you can't see the ground you will almost be coming back down again. Yeah for you! And for posting!

Rebekah Sacran said...

OOOOHHHH. That should be scary. Not scarry. Not...enough...sleep.

fa-so-la-la said...

Rocky take-offs and landings are wonderful. I love them, the cloudier, stormier, and more turbulent the better. It's so dramatic- you can pretend you're going to crash, and be Brave in the face of Uncertainty and Danger (imagined, of course).

Can't wait to see you!!!

Nardo said...

I positively love flying!! The joy of going somewhere and doing something, all the strange and wonderfull people at the airport...I like to take pen and paper and write down descriptions of all that I see. It makes for very interesting reading. ;)