Wednesday, April 08, 2009

beautiful album art.


van Danne said...

mmm... i especially love that first one. good album too so far, as i listen to it for the first time...

van Danne said...

I assume you or some of you have listened to the Abigail Washburn album?? it's been haunting me for days now.

I think I dig it.

monolog said...
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monolog said...

I haven't listened to it all.
It's interesting... the fusion of Americana with Chinese traditional.

beatrice said...

i love album art- i would absolutely love to design it, but i have no idea where you would get started doing that.

my favorite album covers i've found are...

united paper people, by kisschasy (don't actually like the band, but the cover is amazing)


funeral, by arcade fire (haven't neard much of their music, actually, but what i've heard i like - its kinda u2/coldplay/keane)