Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Make that a combo.

What Davis is having for supper:

spicy fish.
a tortilla.
chocolate milk.


Rebekah Sacran said...

Yum! Except for the spicy chicken.

elliebird said...

that actually does sound pretty good...except for the spicy chicken.

Laura Kathryn said...

uh...that's spicy FISH, thank you. Davy has very refined tastes.

elliebird said...

haha. oh my. i really did mean to type in 'fish'. weird.

tenacious e said...

oh the culinary wisdom of youth. what adult would think to put chocolate milk with spicy FISH, and yet I'm sure he dined like a king. also to thank for peanut butter and pickles, and the ever popular popcorn and icecream.