Monday, January 29, 2007

Winter Comforts

The Badger's winter stores, which indeed were visible everywhere, took up half the room---piles of apples, turnips, and potatoes, baskets full of nuts, and jars of honey; but the two little white beds on the remainder of the floor looked soft and inviting, and the linen on them, though coarse, was clean and smelt beautifully of lavender; and the Mole and the Water Rat, shaking off their garments in some thirty seconds, tumbled in between the sheets in great joy and contentment.

Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Graham


audreysnanny said...

Love that series!!!

Nardo said...

Oh! the Wind in the Willows!! That series gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling.

DrSmyth said...

toad is like a moron!